Friday, May 13, 2011

The Green Fox that Spoils the Vine

Green is the color of the Incredible Hulk when he gets upset. Green is also the color of money. The green fox of envy and jealous is a covetous fox. He wants what yours and will do anything to get it. The green fox of envy and jealously can spoil our vines of joy and happiness. This fox starts small but grows quickly into a consuming beast.

Not all jealousy is bad. Exodus 20:5 states "Thou shalt now bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I the LORD they God am a jealous God. This is an unselfish kind of jealousy. This jealousy looks out for the welfare of another. God knows his place and wants us to know that if we seek Him first everything else will be added unto us. This kind of jealousy has others in mind.

However, there is another jealousy that has to hunted down and dealt with. The little green fox is possessive, obsessive and selfish. It does not want the best for you. The little green fox does not say I want the best for your sake but it says, I want the best for my sake. This green fox has a serious craving for praise, position, prestige and power. This green fox never travels alone. The green fox runs with the grey fox of gossip and the red fox of anger. If you see one the other is close by. The green fox cannot feel superior unless there are others who are inferior.

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