Friday, May 13, 2011

The Gray Fox that Spoils the Vine

Gray is a color that is neither black or white. Grayness in life is neither black or white. Grayness does not choose sides, it is on all sides depending on which side is fashionable. Many relationships exist in a state of grayness because of the use of words. The little gray fox will say things that it should not. The saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is not true. Words hurt and will leave scars in the soul of the wounded one. Please be aware that your words carry weight.

Foxes love grapes and if you don't watch them they will burrow in around the garden, uproot the vines, and destroy the whole vineyards. Solomon states in Chapter one verse 6, "My own vineyard I have not kept!" We must be on guard to watch the little things that harms our relationships. Little things mean a lot. It is normally not the big things that harm relationships but it is the small things. The little gray fox will tear at us until we can't sleep or think about anything else.

In order to get rid of the gray fox we must get rid of gossip. Gossip is a disease. The gossiper through the use of words, with or without intent hurts and even destroys the character of a person. Before we allow the gray fox of gossip to eat the roots of the fruitful growth we much ask, Is it true, Is it kind and It is necessary? Also, we must always get rid of grudges. Grudges will weight you down, have you mad, and you don't even know why. Just get over it so you can be set free. Always have a forgiving heart. Forgive people even if they do not ask you too. This will release stress and headaches. The only way to rid you of the gray fox is to surrender to the Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank God, for the Savior who sets us free.

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