Friday, May 13, 2011

The Black Fox that Spoils the Vine

Black is the color we commonly associate with death. Black is the color we wear at a funeral. Black is not a color found in the rainbow that God placed in the sky. In fact, black is the absorption of all colors thus eliminating them and leaving a dark spot where they once were.

The black fox of doubt takes all of the color out of life. The black fox of doubt leaves dreams unfulfilled, and ideals eliminated. The black fox of doubt sing songs like “Love Don’t Live here Anymore” and so many sad songs. When we began to doubt we allow the negative to overrule the positives and people just don’t want to be around you. You are dead and don’t know it. The inscription on many gravestones will read, “Died at 25’ buried at 75. The black fox of doubt and discouragement have bitten many people.

The black fox come to attack your faith. He wants to attack your faith in God and in yourself. The black fox of doubt wants to snatch dreams away from youth and ambition from adults. Peter understands the bite of the black fox of doubt. He was fine walking on the water until he saw the effects of the wind. His mind was taken off Jesus and fixed on the wind. Fear is a source of doubt and an enemy of faith. If the little foxes keep eating at our tender grapes then we will never have the fullness of joy that God has designed for us.

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