Friday, May 13, 2011

The Blue Fox that Spoils the Vine

The color of blue represents depression. Depression has been defined as a emotional condition, either neurotic or psychotic, characterized by feeling of hopelessness, inadequacy, gloominess, dejections, sadness, difficulty in thinking and concentration, and activity.

Depression may be a reaction to adverse situations, defeats, setbacks or from failing to reach goals or standards that you cannot attain. Depression could be the result of spiritual disobedience or sin in one's life. Depression is the little blue fox that can spoil a life and hinder ones' goals. What can be done about depression? Prescribed medications are necessary but there is no medication that can cure like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

David understood depression in the 40th Psalm. He magnifies God for having bestowed mercy on him when he was in despair. David had desperation in his depression. David was sick.

Sickness can also bring about this blue fox called depression. When someone gets sick, you had better not be sick too long. People will forget about you, and that blue fox will make things worse. However, David was patient and prayerful and God heard his cry and answered. David moves from crying to celebration. He is no longer singing the blues. He has evicted the blue fox and now he is singing a new song. David is saying that God is able. 

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