Friday, May 13, 2011


This is a series of sermons under the topic of "The Little Foxes that Spoil the Vine.” Song Of Solomon 2:15 states "Take us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes". In the Song of Solomon, the foxes represent anything that hurts, harm or injuries anyone that God loves. Each sermon will hunt down a fox that is ruining the roots of joy in our life and spoiling the sweet grapes of the gospel.

The Gray Fox that Spoils the Vine

Gray is a color that is neither black or white. Grayness in life is neither black or white. Grayness does not choose sides, it is on all sides depending on which side is fashionable. Many relationships exist in a state of grayness because of the use of words. The little gray fox will say things that it should not. The saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is not true. Words hurt and will leave scars in the soul of the wounded one. Please be aware that your words carry weight.

Foxes love grapes and if you don't watch them they will burrow in around the garden, uproot the vines, and destroy the whole vineyards. Solomon states in Chapter one verse 6, "My own vineyard I have not kept!" We must be on guard to watch the little things that harms our relationships. Little things mean a lot. It is normally not the big things that harm relationships but it is the small things. The little gray fox will tear at us until we can't sleep or think about anything else.

In order to get rid of the gray fox we must get rid of gossip. Gossip is a disease. The gossiper through the use of words, with or without intent hurts and even destroys the character of a person. Before we allow the gray fox of gossip to eat the roots of the fruitful growth we much ask, Is it true, Is it kind and It is necessary? Also, we must always get rid of grudges. Grudges will weight you down, have you mad, and you don't even know why. Just get over it so you can be set free. Always have a forgiving heart. Forgive people even if they do not ask you too. This will release stress and headaches. The only way to rid you of the gray fox is to surrender to the Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank God, for the Savior who sets us free.

The Red Fox that Spoils the Vine

Red is the color of being hot, when a person is steaming we normally say that person is red hot! The red fox represents anger or wrath. It is an emotion of instant displeasure that arises from the feeling of injury done or intended by someone. Ephesians 4:26, "Be ye angry, and sin not; let not the sun go down upon your wrath:" Angry will happen to everyone at sometime in your life. Nevertheless, how you deal with this anger makes a world of difference. If the red fox is not dealt with properly, it can easily lead to sin. Paul's letter said it right, Be angry and do not sin, don't sleep on it, nor give room for the devil to reside.

There are so many ways to get your anger under control such get some space, exercise, don't hold a grudge, identify solutions to the situation and practice relaxation skills.

Seek to understand before you seek to be understood. James 1:19 says "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:" It is important to try listening and seeing it from other person's perspective. Way to slay the red fox of anger is to forgive the offender. When you forgive someone you are free to see them the way Christ does.

The Green Fox that Spoils the Vine

Green is the color of the Incredible Hulk when he gets upset. Green is also the color of money. The green fox of envy and jealous is a covetous fox. He wants what yours and will do anything to get it. The green fox of envy and jealously can spoil our vines of joy and happiness. This fox starts small but grows quickly into a consuming beast.

Not all jealousy is bad. Exodus 20:5 states "Thou shalt now bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I the LORD they God am a jealous God. This is an unselfish kind of jealousy. This jealousy looks out for the welfare of another. God knows his place and wants us to know that if we seek Him first everything else will be added unto us. This kind of jealousy has others in mind.

However, there is another jealousy that has to hunted down and dealt with. The little green fox is possessive, obsessive and selfish. It does not want the best for you. The little green fox does not say I want the best for your sake but it says, I want the best for my sake. This green fox has a serious craving for praise, position, prestige and power. This green fox never travels alone. The green fox runs with the grey fox of gossip and the red fox of anger. If you see one the other is close by. The green fox cannot feel superior unless there are others who are inferior.

The Blue Fox that Spoils the Vine

The color of blue represents depression. Depression has been defined as a emotional condition, either neurotic or psychotic, characterized by feeling of hopelessness, inadequacy, gloominess, dejections, sadness, difficulty in thinking and concentration, and activity.

Depression may be a reaction to adverse situations, defeats, setbacks or from failing to reach goals or standards that you cannot attain. Depression could be the result of spiritual disobedience or sin in one's life. Depression is the little blue fox that can spoil a life and hinder ones' goals. What can be done about depression? Prescribed medications are necessary but there is no medication that can cure like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

David understood depression in the 40th Psalm. He magnifies God for having bestowed mercy on him when he was in despair. David had desperation in his depression. David was sick.

Sickness can also bring about this blue fox called depression. When someone gets sick, you had better not be sick too long. People will forget about you, and that blue fox will make things worse. However, David was patient and prayerful and God heard his cry and answered. David moves from crying to celebration. He is no longer singing the blues. He has evicted the blue fox and now he is singing a new song. David is saying that God is able. 

The Black Fox that Spoils the Vine

Black is the color we commonly associate with death. Black is the color we wear at a funeral. Black is not a color found in the rainbow that God placed in the sky. In fact, black is the absorption of all colors thus eliminating them and leaving a dark spot where they once were.

The black fox of doubt takes all of the color out of life. The black fox of doubt leaves dreams unfulfilled, and ideals eliminated. The black fox of doubt sing songs like “Love Don’t Live here Anymore” and so many sad songs. When we began to doubt we allow the negative to overrule the positives and people just don’t want to be around you. You are dead and don’t know it. The inscription on many gravestones will read, “Died at 25’ buried at 75. The black fox of doubt and discouragement have bitten many people.

The black fox come to attack your faith. He wants to attack your faith in God and in yourself. The black fox of doubt wants to snatch dreams away from youth and ambition from adults. Peter understands the bite of the black fox of doubt. He was fine walking on the water until he saw the effects of the wind. His mind was taken off Jesus and fixed on the wind. Fear is a source of doubt and an enemy of faith. If the little foxes keep eating at our tender grapes then we will never have the fullness of joy that God has designed for us.